Summer Lovin' with CR RanchWear
Summer is in full swing! CR RanchWear had a very busy, exciting June! As you may remember from our last blog, McKenzie, Alexis, and their fellow American teammates flew to Australia as Team USA to compete against the Australians in the NCHA Non Pro Challenge. Alas, they did not come home with the trophy, but we're pretty sure if there had been a "Best Dressed" award, they would have been victorious. CR RanchWear was proud to provide the team shirts for the USA!

Our second live auction took place on June 7th. Eleven CR RanchWear one-of-a-kind shirts went to new homes via the highest bids! Wine, dance moves, and some Name That Tune giveaways were among the highlights of the auction. Our next auction will be in August; follow us on Facebook for specific details.
Next, we were on to the NRCHA Derby in Paso Robles, California! This is one of our favorite shows of the year. We love Paso Robles and all of our cow horse friends. We cheered for our Sponsored riders and all the talented competitors. It's also fun to see what new shirts our customers like the best. The winners of the week were the Blue Floral with Purple Check and the Pink Gypsy Heart Paisley (pictured in the header pic of this post). Better get yours while you can! A quick wine tasting trip with friends topped off a successful week!
We were home for a few days to round up some new shirts, then Sue was off to the NCHA Western Nationals in Denver, Colorado. Florals were a big hit; the Sweet American Floral, Blooms of Rhea, and the new Purple Floral Vine were the quick sellers. The set-up in Denver allows us to watch the show from the booth. It's so great to see our customers in the show pen, winning in their CR!
While Sue was enjoying booth life in Denver, the world traveler, McKenzie, was off to Iowa to enjoy her family cabin in Okoboji. Who was also en route to the famous resort town? None other than good friend of CR RanchWear-singer songwriter Jeremy McComb! During his Troublemaker Tour, Jeremy was our first CR celebrity to take over our Instagram for 24 hours. A day in the life of Jeremy McComb! Jeremy did a great job with the CR RanchWear shout outs! Who will be our next "Day in the Life" guest?? Stay tuned...
The rest of the summer is sure to fly by! Coming up for us is the NCHA Summer Spectacular in Ft. Worth and The Mane Event Cutting in Las Vegas. See you down the road, and CU in CR!
McKenzie and Sue